Monday, January 15, 2007

Please pray for Judi tonight

Please join us tonight in praying for my sister in law Judi and my brother Jim. They could really use everyone's prayers tonight. Thank you! You can also visit her caringbridge blog at Judi Schniers.

27 treatments down------6 to go. The treatments are taking their toll; both physically and emotionally. The weather wasn't too bad this morning so we made it in at 7:00 & were home by 8:00. Judi has been some what nauseous and her throat is still an issue when it comes time to eat and drink; even more of an issue is the emotional issues------ the "what if" questions----- As I stated early on, we have not placed any time constraints on this ravenous disease---- but we do realize that it is extremely serious. With the loss of energy and the eating & drinking issues, Judi just sits & watches TV or reads; This idle time gives way to "negative thoughts" Tonight we ask for prayers to help us with the anxious times that we are having. Judi's attitude is still strong but the prevailing issues are taking it's toll.

When ever the prayers are ramped up----- Jesus comes through & relieves us of our burden. May the most Sacred Heart of Jesus
be praised and glorified now and forever

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