Monday, January 8, 2007

Happy Birthday Janet

Today is my sister in law Janet's birthday.

Janet is my brother Rudy's wife

She's mom to Sheri, Jason, Angie & Jenny

Mother in law to Kelly

Grandma to Clarrisa

She's not only a wonderful sister in law but a friend too

After my mom died, Janet was one of the brave ones that would babysit for my boys
(even a few overnights) They kept the four boys when I had Joe

She nick named Bobby "skinny butt" (we still call him that)

Janet is always the life of the party, (check out my pictures from Bahama Bob's)

She drives a really cool car, a Red Mustang

Many years ago, she turned me on to "Buck Horn Beer"

She let me wear her gold watch to my senior prom (remember that Janet?)

She is absolutely the most devoted Piston's fan. She's madly in love with Rip (Richard Hamilton)

She is a wonderful wife, mom, grandma, sister, daughter, sister in law and aunt.

Have a great birthday Janet, I know you said you just wanted to skip today, but that's not happening. Sorry.


Anonymous said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOMMMMM!! I LOVEE YOU!! =) Hope you're having a great day, I love you!


Anonymous said...

you have alwyes been the "cool Aunt" and not just because you married the "Godfather" (you're the sweet aunt , Annie